Dangerous Freedom: The American Traditions of Self-Defense and Guns

“I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful servitude.” - Thomas Jefferson John Pitcairn had a problem. At 5:00 AM on a spring day his column of Regulars filed into Lexington and halted. Through morning fog, he caught fleeting glimpses of shapes moving and hurrying across the town green. He could hear the muffled voices, and he … Continue reading Dangerous Freedom: The American Traditions of Self-Defense and Guns

Common Gun Arguments: Part 2

This is Part Two of this series. Click here for part One. Okay, so I decided to do it again. The plan originally was to make this whole gun control opinion piece into one article, but I took so long just explaining things, that I felt that I had to split the article into two, … Continue reading Common Gun Arguments: Part 2

Common Gun Debate Arguments: Part 1

I was originally going to continue from my last post in January but decided to push that off until next month in order to talk about my thoughts on the common arguments that tend to come up after a mass school shooting and some of the controversial legislation that the Florida State Senate has passed … Continue reading Common Gun Debate Arguments: Part 1

Racism and Planned Parenthood

We have just marked 45 years since abortion was legalized, and this month is Black History Month, so today we’re going to look at Planned Parenthood, abortion, and racism. Planned Parenthood is, in their words, “one of the nation's leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, and the nation's … Continue reading Racism and Planned Parenthood

The Wolf in Grizzly’s Clothing – Christians and Homosexuality

What effect would a wolf have if he dressed as a bear? He would present himself far more frightening a threat than he truly was, terrifying the local populace much more than he would were he to show himself in his natural skin. This does not mean, however, that a wolf presents no threat to … Continue reading The Wolf in Grizzly’s Clothing – Christians and Homosexuality